Benefits of Spaying & Neutering Pets

We all enjoy spending quality time with our pets. But, taking care of pets is more than just snuggles, cute pictures, and having fun. You have probably heard that you should spay and neuter your pets. Well, today our White House Animal Hospital vets will explain why.

Spaying involves the removal of the reproductive organs of female animals so that they cannot get pregnant.

Neutering involves removing the testicles of male animals so that they cannot impregnate a female.

Both are routine procedures, but some owners may feel reluctant about them. However, spaying and neutering have health and behavioral benefits for your pet. Additionally, you’ll be helping combat the pet homelessness crisis.

Safeguards Your Pet’s Health and Longevity

Spaying and neutering your pets has a significant impact on their overall health and longevity. For example, spaying your female pet before it reaches sexual maturity can prevent or significantly reduce the risk for some reproductive organ cancers.

Neutering your male dog or cat will prevent testicular cancer and reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer. 

So, spaying and neutering your pets can potentially increase their longevity by reducing the risk for some potentially life-threatening diseases.

Helps Control Behavioural Issues

Spaying and neutering also stabilize a pet’s hormone levels, which can potentially control harmful behavior. For example, a neutered male dog will be far less likely to escape from the house to look for a mate. It will also be less likely to roam and get into trouble outside.

Additionally, they will be less motivated to mark territory by urinating all over the place and making a mess.

Neutered males are also far less likely to be aggressive with other animals or people. Moreover, you will rarely see them mount other pets, people, or objects.

Also, spaying your cat will prevent it from going into heat when it can be very vocal, and demanding and spray urine.

Saves Future Veterinary Costs

Using the services of a spay and neuter clinic does come with its costs, but you’ll potentially be saving money on veterinary expenses in the long run. Consider what will happen if your pet gets pregnant. The costs of regular veterinary check-ups and monitoring and feeding babies will quickly add up.

Moreover, with the higher risks for cancer in unspayed and unneutered animals, you’ll be potentially gambling both with your checkbook and your pet’s life. With a reduced risk for illnesses, you’ll have fewer expenses and visits to the veterinary clinic.

Schedule Your Next Appointment

It is typically best to spay and neuter your pet between 4 and 6 months of age to maximize the benefits.

It is a routine procedure that can provide significant health benefits to your pet and increase its longevity. 

The White House Animal Hospital vets will provide your four-legged friend with the care and affection they deserve. Contact us today to book an appointment for your pet.